Political Science Programme

Educational programs of the College of Social Sciences

After the student movement to the second level he will be distributed to department he wants according to the criteria of the study in each program ,the college provide seven programs provided by three departments : psychology, political science and library and information and the three other programmers offered by the Department of theater sciences attended by students when they reach the second level.

2- Political Science Programme

Department of Political Science Importance of the programme and its objectives and educational output target

· Political Science is the melting pot of branches of social sciences, such as economics, law, management, and the philosophy and psychology This science begins and ends ruling political framework for relations prevailing in this community that the essence of political science interested in the comprehensive analysis of bridges relationships and patterns of interactions between science and social community and politics.

· Because of the paramount importance of political science teaching this science is of great importance for specialists in particular and the citizens in general in view of the contribution in strengthening political awareness and public awareness in the community.
All the courses provided through this program are the experts agreed upon by UNESCO as it is divided into four main areas, namely:

I: political theory: Include objective , political theory and political thought.

II: political systems: Topics include the Constitution, the central government, regional and local government and public administration, economic and social functions of government, and comparative political systems .

III: parties and opinion groups: political parties, groups and bodies, the role of the individual in the government and administration, and public opinion .

IV: International Relations: The topics include international politics, international regulation, and international law .

This is what qualifies a graduate of the Political Science Department to deal with awareness and understanding of the progression of available data to get the most suitable and possible solutions is what reflects the essence of politics as the art of
getting benefit from the best available .

Faculty members

Dr.Osman Mohamed Osman, Assistant Professor and head of the departement

Dr.Nagah Abdul Fattah alraies teacher
Miss.Ghazlan Mahmoud Abdel Aziz Teaching Assistant
Miss.Wafaa Lotfy Hussein Teaching Assistant

Hired and retained Faculty members

· Prof.Dr.Alsayed Alsayed Al-Husseini, professor of geography and Dean of Arts, Cairo University, former

· Dr. Nagwa Ibrahim

· Dr. Geyhan Mansour Teacher Helwan University Faculty Arts

· Dr.Nawal Qasim Teacher Faculty of Economics and Political Science