"Intellectual Property Rights and Scientific Research Ethics"

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- Submitted by - Amira Mohamed El Moatassem Mohamed Ghonami El Gamal - Assistant Prof. of Instructional Technology - Faculty Women, Ain Shams University A symposium entitled "Intellectual Property Rights and Scientific Research Ethics" was held in faculty of pharmacy in10-11-2014 and involving the following topics: The Symposium topics: 1. -An Introduction. 2. The definition of intellectual property. 3. -Types of intellectual property. 4. -Intellectual property rights. 5. -The motives after intellectual property protection. 6. -Intellectual property and scientific research. 7. -Intellectual property and Higher education. 8. The protection of copyright. 9. Intellectual property system in Egypt. 10. International conventions acceded to Egypt. 11. Places for registering intellectual properties in Egypt. 12. Digital intellectual property rights.- 13. Legitimate methods of accessing electronic works. 14. -Security role in the protection of software. 15. -Obstacles security role in the fight against software piracy. 16. -Proposals to rationalize the role of security in the face of software piracy. 17. -The consequences of violating intellectual property rights and scientific research ethics. 18. -Ethical principles of electronic information from the Internet. 19. -Recommendations. 20. -Suggestions.