A seminar on "Change Management to Achieve Outstanding Performance"

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 A seminar was held entitled "Change Management to Achieve Outstanding Performance" on Wednesday 8/11/2017 in the Faculty of Information Systems and Computer Science. The speaker was Dr. Mohammed Diftedar, Systems Engineering Expert. The speaker tried to address the main questions "what is the change?" through the following questions:

1-what is the change, its types, its levels, and what is the change management and its importance for the organization?

2-what are the processes of work and work processes of change management?

3-what is the resistance of change, its causes, its methods of treatment and overcome?

4-what are the effects of change and how to study the causes and its analysis?

5-what are the methodologies for change management and what are the professional certificates in change management?

6-what are the types and levels of change?

7-what elements of human capital should be available to implement change management in the organization?

8-what process of work, change management processes, work procedures, policies to be followed and governance to manage change?

9-what are the types of work processes in the organization and how to manage them?