Discussion of MS.C Thesis in Dermatology & Andrology by Dr. Maher Mahmoud Abdel-Hamid

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 On Thursday 21st  of September  2017, Faculty of Medicine, October 6 University celebrated the discussion of the M.Sc Thesis in Dermatology and andrology submitted by Dr. Maher Mahmoud Abdel-Hamid  a graduate from Faculty  of Medicine  October 6 University among the postgraduate agreement with Bany sweif Faculty of Medicine.    The title of the thesis was ”Comparative study of efficacy of intralesional  platelets rich plasma versus steroids in treatment of alopecia areata ”,     under supervision of Prof. Dr.Abel Aziz El Refaii  head of Dermatology & Andrology Department Bany sweif Faculty of Medicine  and Prof.Dr. Abdel-Aziz El-Tawil the Head of Dermatology & Andrology Department Banha University and prof.Dr. Waleed Mohamed Abdel-Moneem lecturer of Dermatology & Andrology zagazig Faculty of Medicine, who also shared in the  thesis evaluation  committee together with Prof.Attea AbdAllah Attea Prof. of Dermatology & Andrology, Al Azhar University. The Thesis was extremely appreciated and accepted by the committee.