A Report on Student Training Course Entitled "Computer Applications in Designing and Discovering of Drugs

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 A training course was organized on Saturday, 18th  and 25th  March 2017, entitled "Computer Applications in the Designing and Discovering of Drugs" in the Pharmaceutical Design and Molecular Modeling laboratory at the Faculty in the field of identifying the methods of representing chemical and pharmaceutical compounds in their two and three dimensional images and devising their molecular properties in order to benefit from the chemical information programs available in the Unit in the practical training of participants in the applications of Chemdraw program, as a preliminary step for the implementation of computer applications in the design of pharmaceutical and molecular modeling (CADD & Molecular Modeling), which enriches the educational and professional process for students and Faculty researchers, providing them with the ability to compete in the different areas of work.

The training included the applications of the Interactive Spectroscopy Problems Program. This program allows students to practice the study of the spectral properties of chemical compounds in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and to identify the signs of different chemical groups.
Seven students from the first and third levels had been trained. At the end of the course, an applicable practical test was conducted for the participants. The results showed understanding of the scientific content and the applications that were trained.

A questionnaire was also conducted on the participants' satisfaction with the course and benefiting from the study and work. The results of the questionnaire show many signs and a distinct level of performance and organization during the course.


1- Prof. Dr. Farghali Abdel Hamid Omar (Professor and Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry – Faculty of Pharmacy – October 6 University)

=>Drugs, drug targets, and molecular interactions. (Video Film)
=>Molecular representation & their significance in Drug Design

2- Prof. Dr. Nadia Mohamed Ahmed Mahfouz (Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Course Coordinator – Faculty of Pharmacy – October 6 University)
=>Nomenclature of organic Compounds.
=>Spectroscopic Methods for Drug Analysis.

Practical Training Lecturers:
1- Enas Taha Abdel Hamid
2 - Gehad Kamal Al-Din Hassan
3- Esraa Zakaria
4 - Salma Khaled Darwish