Youth Welfare Activities during the Period from November 22 to December 8, 2015

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The Department of Youth Welfare during the period from November 22 to December 8, 2015 had several activities inside and outside the University; these are the most important activities:

1. The opening of the Regional League Championship where the university team wins the team of the British University 5/1, and wins the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport team 2-1 and reach the semi-finals.

2. Participating in boxing match where the University team won three medals at the different weights as follows:

1. Mahmoud Abdullah Abdul Aziz (Faculty of Dentistry) (+91 third weight)

2. Fathi Abdel Latif Fathi (Faculty of Information Systems and Computer Science) (third place weight 75)

3. Ahmed Mohammed Hassan (Faculty of Languages and Translation) (third place weight 91)

3. Participating in a game of beach ball for Girls where University team won silver medal.

Students participating in championship names:

1. Rania Khalid Mahmood

2. Hagar Abdel Moneim

3. Kholoud Saied

4. Menntu Allah Walid

5. Aya Khalid Mohammed

1.       Semi- finals with the Canadian University.


2.     Participating in the basketball matches of the Regional League Championship.


3.    Participating in the handball game matches of the Regional League Championship.


7. participation the Quintet team with the Canadian University.

8. Football team won the bronze medal in the Regional League championship after beating the German University 4/3 on penalties.


9. Blood donation campaign during December for the Ministry of Health – National Institute for Blood Transfusion in El Agouza (Serum and Vaccine).


10. The result of the Photography competition is as follows:

1. Mohamed Nasr (Applied Arts)

2. Mohammed Ashraf (Applied Arts)

3. Mary Loay (Applied Arts)

Non-specialized Faculties:

1. Fatima Khalid (Media and mass Com.)

2. Adham Sami (Tourism and Hotel Management)

3. Abdullah Saudi (Economics and Management)


Cultural Competition Results

First: Classic Poetry



Name of the Student



Mohammed Hossam El-Din Abdo

 El shenawy


Media and Mass com.

Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed





Moaz Rasmy Ajlan



   Second: Colloquial Poetry


Name of the Student


Physical Therapy

Mohammed Yasser Mohammed



Mohammed Samir Elwasif


Information System

Mohamed Farid Mohammed



   Third: Essay


Name of the Student


Applied Arts

Sondos Salim Mohammed


Media and Mass Com

Yasser Mahmoud Bassiouni



Abanob Jamal Faik



11. Domestic Football League where the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management beats the Faculty of Media and Mass Com. 3-1 on penalties.


1.       The opening of the domestic league where Faculty of Pharmacy beats the Faculty of Applied Arts 5/1.