Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management and the latest technology of Education

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 October 6 University is committed to a number of co-operation and partnership agreements with several foreign universities. And within the framework of activating these agreements, a delegation from the university consists of Ambassador Dr. Kheir El Din Abdel Latif - Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of International strategies and Cultural Relations, and Prof. Adel Hammam - Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, paid a visit to "Thailand" to participate in the graduation of a new batch of Thai students who have learned the Arabic language via video conference from October 6 University. The delegation discussed the unique experience of Pharanakon University of teaching aviation services through simulating a plane which was implemented very accurately. It was agreed with the International College (a unique college of its kind in "Thailand" concerned with all related to aviation services) to communicate with them in order to train students and staff members of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management of October 6 University on this simulator and other aviation services, a field in which "Thailand" is regarded as a leading organization in the context of "ASEAN countries." Staff members will be trained in order to ''Train the Trainer'', so that they can transmit this experience to the largest possible number of students.