Faculty of Physical Therapy - University of October (6 O U) Got accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education

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 The Faculty of Physiotherapy  ,6th  of October  University,  is accredited by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education to increase the number of the university faculties accredited  by the Authority to seven faculties (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Information Systems and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Faculty of Applied Arts in addition to the accreditation of the Department of Biomedical Devices in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences).

The accreditation of these faculties by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education is the culmination of the university's ongoing efforts to achieve the full commitment to comprehensive quality standards. The university works hard to disseminate the culture of quality and to provide the technical support for quality assurance units in all of its faculties depending on the Center for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of the University. The center seeks  to implement the strategic plan of the university and to develop and improve the basic work pivots in the faculties including the development of the educational process, the development of study programs based on students' needs, and the development of applied scientific research and of mechanisms of community participation. All these efforts aim finally at producing an outcome of graduates who are able to compete locally and internationally and meet the needs of the labor market. In doing that the university is motivated by having more than (25,000) students, including about (1500) students from more than thirty nationalities. The university has cooperation and partnership agreements with many foreign and local universities. Through the agreements concluded by the University of October 6 with a number of public universities, the university was able to provide its graduates with higher studies opportunities in various fields of specialization.