Community Service Sector The Ministry of Environment participates in the Solid Waste Management Initiative at the University

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 Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Moussa Abrahim Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Prof. Dr. Ahmed Awad Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts and Dr. Rehab Abdel-Fattah Vice Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts for Community Service and Environmental Development and Students Eco Rangers Applied Arts The Faculty of Applied Arts University administration and the Ministry of Environment to initiate the solid waste recycling initiative at the university as a first stage to spread this system in the surrounding environment

Thank you to everyone who participated in this work from the Ministry of Environment and from the administration of the university and college and from the best students
News from the Ministry of Environment website
Community participation to raise awareness of waste management system within the University of 6 October
Within the framework of the coordination of the Ministry of Environment through the waste management system in preparation for the launch of the initiative (Green University) and under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Moussa Abrahim Vice President for Community Affairs and Environment Development. . As part of activating the Ministry's plan to implement the initiative of community participation to raise awareness of waste management system for youth and civil society with the participation of university youth.
A visit was made to the University of 6th of October to monitor the preparations for the initiative, where funds were provided for the separation of waste. The Faculty of Applied Arts was very keen to implement the system within the university. It was sponsored by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Awad, Dean of the Faculty and Dr. Rehab Abdel Fattah. Vice Dean for Community Services and Environmental Development, formed an eco rangers team of about 30 students. They printed brochures about the importance of waste recycling in preparation for launching the initiative.
The amount of waste was monitored within the university, and coordination is underway to start awareness seminars for the Faculty of Applied Arts team to be the beginning of his supervisor to work in the system and a model to emulate the other faculties of the university.
The aim of the initiative is to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the environment and establishing the environmental dimension of the students and to make full use of the waste, with the participation of different disciplines from all faculties within the university