October 6 University Won the 2018 Championship of Enactus – Egypt in Entrepreneurship

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 October 6 University (O6U) has won on July 10, 2018 the Championship of enactus- Egypt in entrepreneurship. Cairo University and Menofia University came second and third successively.

The O6U winning project could be best described in the words of its presenters as follows: "at Enactus O6U, our entrepreneurial journey went through three different phases which were aligned with our judging criteria to ensure our project's effectiveness.

The first phase began by seeing an opportunity in Jasmine Village, as we conducted a needs assessment with our target audience to know which livelihoods they already have, and which are missing. This needs assessment included interviews, statistics, business evaluations and lab tests.

During the second phase, we used entrepreneurial action and innovative solutions to empower people and improve their livelihoods in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way.

In the third phase, we analyzed how we've enabled the beneficiaries' progress, by carefully measuring our direct and indirect outcomes, and ensuring everlasting sustainability

This year we worked on one project that we turned into a social enterprise that addresses national priorities and fulfills 8 Sustainable Development Goals "SDGs".