The Faculty of Pharmacy - October 6 University, Announces the Reorganization of the Clinical Training Program in Elag Hospitals Group

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 Students will be trained for five days a week from July 1 to September 1 2018.

It includes clinical rounds in critical care ICU and Inpatient zone daily and is performed through:
Teaching students how to extract basic information from patient files needed for the clinical pharmacist
Medical History of patients
Diagnosis of cases
Investigations and labs
Vital signs of patients
Drug sheet of patients
Teaching students Drug interaction - Adverse effects of drugs
Drug dosing according to international guidelines for treatment
Provide specialized lectures for different diseases and methods of treatment according to the approved protocols, including on the following topics
pneumonia- hepatic disorders-neurocritical care-shock -DVT prophylaxis
The trainee receives a certificate stating that the student has completed 50 hours of clinical training.
Fees: 500 LE.
Participation available for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year students