Faculty of Pharmacy , Wins the first Place among Egyptian Universities in Dubai’s Pharmacy International Conference (DUPHAT: Dubai International Pharmaceutical and Technology Conference and Exhibition) for the Academic Year 2017/2018

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The Faculty of Pharmacy - October 6 University is unique in the process of integrating education between the different departments of the Faculty (Department of Pharmacognosy - Department of Analytical Chemistry - Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Pharmacology Department - Department of Pharmaceutics, in Cooperation with the National Research Center). The integrative education helps creativity and innovation, and the graduate acquires the skills and competences that qualify him to compete in the labor market and fulfill his requirements in the various fields of pharmacy at the local, Arab and international levels.

Faculty of pharmacy was presented by team of 6 students, Demonstrator, and an assistant professor. The Conference was attended by more than 650 companies and universities from different countries.

The Faculty Participated with two Posters in DUPHAT 2018.

·        The first poster which won the second place out of ten according to poster content was under the title: 
“Advanced Research on Antitumor Activity of Amygdaline from Apricot Kernel’s waste”

·        The other poster, which won the fifth place out of ten according to poster presentation, was entitled:
“Application of Agro waste of Apricot: Production of Cheap Almond Substitute from Apricot Kernels”

The president of the conference, Dr. Ali El-Sayed, said that the Conference gathered a lot of pharmacy specialists from all around the world, either in holding workshops or international lectures from America, United Kingdom, Australia and Europe. 172 scientific sessions in addition to 26 workshops and 520 poster presentations were all part of the conference. 

This project, which resulted in two posters, is the first of its kind in the extraction of raw materials used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries of agricultural waste. Such projects are considered incubators not only for the graduation of distinguished students but also as incubators for graduate researchers and businessmen.