Meeting of the Academic Union of Faculties and Institutes of Applied Arts In the Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University

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 The meeting of the Academic Union of Faculties and Institutes of Applied Arts in the Arab Republic of Egypt at its 8th session in the Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University, on 22 February 2018 in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Attia, President of October 6 University, and Dr. Helmy Albeshbishi, Vice President of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ali Talaat, Vice President of Education and Students Affairs, Deans and Vice Presidents of Faculties and Institutes of Applied Arts of the Academic Union of Applied Arts, and Dr. Helmy El-Shonwani, President of the Syndicate of Fine Arts Designers, headed by Prof. Ahmed Awad, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University and Dr. Maysoun Qutb, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University