Important Announcement for Students Participating in the Project of (Simulation of Detecting Ways of a New Pharmaceutical Product from a Natural Product for Use in Cases of Cancer and Viral Infection

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 Students who admitted to the project of the Field Training Committee entitled " Simulation of Detecting Ways of a New Pharmaceutical Product from a Natural Product for Use in Cases of Cancer and Viral Infection" the acceleration in  the confirmation of the registration of the faculty secretary to complete the groups division, where the first meeting will be held on Monday, 23/10 at 3.30 pm in the hall number 2313, second floor in the Faculty building - to receive participants and distribution of assignments according to the work plan.

The enrollment of 15 students from the top GPA students was approved as a full grant for the project with 60 hours of training throughout the academic year - and attendance twice a month.
As approved by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Kohil (Dean of the Faculty) thankfully to his acceptance of the registration of the rest of the students who registered partial grant of the project for half the value of the subscription.
Under the auspices of the Chairman of the Field Training Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy:
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Kohil  Please download the attached file