"Analyze and be Safe" Campaign by Biotechnology Unit – Faculty of Pharmacy – October 6 University

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 The Biotechnology Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6 University, has the honor to announce the commencement of a campaign entitled "Analyze and be Safe" for students and staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6 University.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of conducting early detection and periodic examination tests for early detection of endemic and common diseases.

The importance of periodic examination can be summarized as follows:
• Early detection and treatment of disease
• Prevent complications of disease
• Detect physical obstacles and rehabilitate them
• Correction of the physical defects that can be corrected
• Raise the health level of the individual and society
** The campaign includes conducting some analysis with symbolic prices:

The First Offer:
• Hepatitis C virus analysis
• Hepatitis B virus analysis
• Price: discount from 100 L.E. to 50 L.E.

The Second Offer:
• Hepatitis C virus analysis
• Hepatitis B virus analysis
• Anemia tests
• blood Sugar level test

•Blood types and Rhesus factor
• Price: discount from 140 L.E. to 75 L.E.

** Samples shall be taken and delivered within an hour by Biotechnology Unit.

** The campaign will start from 22/4/2017 to 22/5/2017 on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 am to 3 pm.