Faculty of Pharmacy: Important announcement for Third and Fourth Year Students

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 The Faculty of Pharmacy - October 6 University announces the summer clinical training in the Children's Cancer Hospital 57357 for the third and fourth year students. The training will last for one month and will include:

Training in the basic hospital pharmacy
Clinical courses in one-day care units to learn (use of chemotherapy and dosages, dosage control, drug-drug interaction)
Training on the basics of intravenous dosing
Clinical rounds in the day care units (different chemotherapy used , dose adjustment , drug drug interaction).
Training in the basics of I.V admixture and how to perform it

Those wishing to participate are kindly register at  the office of the Dean's Secretary. Subscribtion  amount is  1000 LE, paid at the Children's Cancer Hospital 57357. The student receives a certificate from Children's Cancer Hospital 57357 and the Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6  University, equivalent to 50 hours of clinical training hours.