Faculty of Pharmacy: Important Announcement for 4th and 5th year students

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 The Faculty of Pharmacy - October 6 University - announces the summer clinical training at the National Heart Institute in Agouza for the fourth and fifth year students from three to four weeks. The training will also include eight lectures on the following topics:

• Educational courses on various heart diseases

• Clinical practice training in intensive care units for education

• The basics of diagnosing of heart disease

• Different treatment systems

• Drug dosage controlling

• Drug-drug interaction

Tutorial lectures about different cardiac disease

Clinical rounds in intensive care units to learn;

Basics of diagnosis of cardiac disease.

Treatment protocols

Dose adjustments

Drug drug interaction

Those wishing to participate are kindly requested to register at the office of the Dean's Secretary . Subscription amount is only LE 500, noting that the student receives a certificate from the Heart Institute and from the Faculty  of Pharmacy equivalent to 48 hours of clinical training.