International Scientific Forum on the Challenges of Design Education

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On Sunday, April 2, 2017, the Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University, participated in the international scientific forum on the challenges of teaching applied design in the universities to improve the quality of life "Futuristic Vision" at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University under the auspices of the Academic Union of Applied Arts. The forum discussed the proposed working papers, which came under the following themes:

- Vision of the Faculty representatives at local and international universities to develop the vision of the designer.

- The role of software in developing the designer's vision.

- The role of the applied designer to improve the quality of life.

- The new generation of designers "futuristic vision".

- Developing the specifications of graduates in the light of labor market variables.

The forum sheds light on the challenges of teaching applied design and ways of developing the educational process of applied design.


The seminar was attended by: Prof. Dr. Ann Marie, Head of the Department of Design Philosophy at the German University; Prof. Nikola Burger, Professor of Design at the German University, and Prof. Ahmed Awad, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University. The forum was attended by the deans of faculties and institutes of applied arts, vice deans, faculty members, students and industrialists.