A Report on the Medical Convoy at Family Health Care at 6th of October City

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 Under the auspices of Prof. Mahmoud Kohil, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6 University. The committee of social service in association with the Faculty of Medicine carried out a medical convoy on Monday, 12/12/2016 at Family Health Care Unit.  

The convoy covered the following fields: -:

1.    Internal Medicine

2.    General Surgery

3.    Pediatrics

4.    Ear, Nose and Throat

5.    Ophthalmology

6.    Obstetrics and Gynecology

160 cases were examined medically as follows:

-         45 children cases

-         40 Internal Medicine cases

-         5 surgery cases

-         15 case Ophthalmology

-         35 cases of Obstetrics and Gynecology

-         20 cases of  Ear, Nose and Throat

-         23 cases were transferred to Hospital of October 6 University to conduct laboratory tests and various surgeries.

-         160 prescriptions were dispensed for various diseases.

Prof. Dr/ Azza Al-Gharib presented an educational seminar for parasitic diseases prevalent in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the students distributed brochures to the public about protection from parasitic diseases to the citizens.

As the students distributed questionnaires to the citizens to measure the level of satisfaction on the convoy

The most important request presented by the questionnaires was the desire of citizens to receive further medical convoys. Citizens also demanded clinical care for the fields of Orthopedics, Dermatology and Dentistry in the next convoys

Students have expressed their pleasure for taking part in such very useful convoys and also expressed their willingness to participate in the upcoming convoys to serve the community.