Graduation Project for 5th Year Students Related to Pharmacognosy Department Entitled Fighting of Microbial Resistance by Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles of some Antimicrobial Phenolics

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 The second group of 5th year students which participated in the project carried the slogan (about everything new) under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed sponsor assistant professor at the National Research Center, where the start of the adaptation of nanotechnology ideas on plants and its applications in the pharmaceutical field and under the slogan (simplify the science and the exploitation of nature) and taking into account the economy and not to pollute the environment and reduce the risks for the preparation of effective compounds.

The vision has been put as follows:

1. Prepare nanomaterials from natural sources vehicles

2. Preparation of interactions under study for confirmatory analysis

3. Deposition of materials that have been prepared to study its biological effects after preparation