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 Faculty of Pharmacy congratulates the following students for receiving an innovation prize at Dubai Pharmaceutical and Technologies Exhibition (Duphat) : 
1. Marian Adel
2. Mareinet Adel
3. Mohamed Ali
4. Abanoub Gamal
who received the 5th best poster in the innovation category, & it's considered the highest prize the conference gives to students from Egyptian universities. The title of the research was:
"A novel Method Development Approach for Determination of Trigonelline Bioactive Alkaloid in Real Human Plasma "
Under the supervision of:
1. Dr. Samir Osman – lecturer at Pharmacognosy department
2. Dr. Ahmed Abd Elmegeed – lecturer at analytical chemistry department.

Dubai International Conference for Pharmacy and Technology (Duphat) that was held during the period from 15th to 17th march in Dubai.
This conference is considered one of the most popular conferences for pharmacy & technology in which many pharmacy professors participate from all over the world as well as interested pharmaceutical companies & those interested in pharmacy from all over the world.
The poster idea was based on extracting trignoline from fenugreek (this part is related to Pharmacognosy department) & then a new analyzing method was created using LC-MS/MS which is considered the most advanced & accurate chemical analysis apparatus which enables us to determine & measure the percentage of active constituent in human plasma reaches 1 Nano gram/ml