"Asoulan" participates in the International Festival of 6 October University

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 Asulan project participated in the 12th International Cultural Festival `` Festival of the Peoples '' organized by 6th of October University during the period from 19 - 20 March 2019 in which 66 countries participated.

The Asulan project is one of the graduation projects of the Public Relations Department at the Faculty of Media and Mass Communication at the 6th of October University.
The project was supervised by Dr. Marwa Sobhi, the teacher in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, the teaching assistant Abdullah Amer, and Sabah El Hakiem, who also contributes to external supervision and implementation.
"Assoulan" means sustainable development in the Amazigh language "the language of some Siwa people".
The project aims to spread the idea of replicating the experience of a city such as "Siwa" as a sustainable city in many Egyptian cities and support the idea of the ideal exploitation of natural resources.
It is worth mentioning that the graduation projects this year have been specified to serve the environment and sustainable development as a contribution to the efforts of the state, civil society and individuals in access to a clean environment.