October 6 University ( O6U ) comes 2nd after Canada in Enactus World Cup 2018, San Jose , California

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 Global leaders converged in San Jose, California 9-11 October 2018. Social innovation took center stage showcasing solution – oriented University student from 36 countries putting entrepreneurial spirit into action. This world cup featured leading social innovation projects developed by student teams from across 1730 University campuses.

Among the participants were a numbers of developed counties such as UK, USA , France , Singapore , Korea , Italy , the Netherlands , Australia , Germany , Russia , China.
October 6 University enactus team presented the "Jasmine Project" which contributed in transforming farmers lives in the Jasmine Village in the framework of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's).

Read more: http://www.o6u.edu.eg/UniversityNewsDetailes.aspx?News=6191